Friday, 16 March 2018

Mid-term training

Two of our volunteers, Emanuela and Veronika, went to their mid-term training last week in Viseu.

On their way there, they made a stop and visited Coimbra (The fourth-largest urban centre in Portugal it is the largest city of the district of Coimbra, the Centro region and the Baixo Mondego subregion. Among the many archaeological structures dating back to the Roman era, when Coimbra was the settlement of Aeminium, are its well-preserved aqueduct and cryptoporticus).

During the training course they gathered with other people doing their volunteering work in other parts of Portugal.

They spent 4 days discussing how their EVS experience was going so far, their future opportunities and involved in non-formal educational activities.

And spent their free time bonding with the other volunteers.

When they finished the mid-term, they had time to make a one day stop in beautiful Aveiro (it is the second most populous city in the Centro Region of Portugal ) before coming back to Olhão.

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