Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Marcha around Estoi

Doing exercise is a must in our volunteer’s life. The Algarve gives us the opportunity to be surrounded by nature and fresh air so it’s easy to feel comfortable and with the energy to take our trainers and explore around the region. This is why last Sunday some volunteers from Moju decided to take part in the marcha in the village of Estoi.

The marcha started in the centre of the town, in front of the church, the Igreja Matriz de Estoi. One of the most interesting things we discovered about this neoclassical building is that it was build during the 15th century, but it had to be restored in 1755 after a terrible earthquake. For its reconstruction they decided to use wood that previously belonged to ships and boats.

The marcha continued through the ways around the field. It was divided in two races: a short one of 4 kilometres and a long race of 10 kilometres. In our way along the 10 kilometres, we discovered an amazing view of the beautiful houses and the nature around them.

The marcha finished in the same place where it started but before, we had a long stop in the beautiful Palace of Estoi. The palace was renovated in the 19th century and it’s characterized by the pink Rococo facade and the beautiful mosaics of its walls and the gardens that surround the palace, now converted into a hotel.

If you like sports and nature, you can find more information about the marchas around Algarve in this link!